Home Animation Development


Language/Framework: Javascript/Discord.js

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Commands (As Of Latest Release):

❯ Animals

-bird , Description: Sends a picture of a bird!
-cat , Description: Sends a picture of a kitty!
-cow , Description: Sends a picture of a cow!
-dog , Description: Sends a picture of a puppy!
-fox , Description: Sends a picture of a fox!
-lizard , Description: Sends a picture of a lizard!
-panda , Description: Sends a picture of a panda!
-pig , Description: Sends a picture of a pig!
-rabbit , Description: Sends a picture of a rabbit!
-raccoon , Description: Sends a picture of a raccoon!
-shibe , Description: Sends a picture of doge!

❯ Fun

-advice , Description: Sends random advice!
-clap , Description: Puts clap emoji between words.
-joke , Description: Sends a random dad joke.
-meme , Description: Sends memes from a variety of subreddits.
-owoify , Description: Turns argument into "OwOified" text.
-pixabay , Description: Sends free image from pixabay.com
-reddit , Description: Displays post from given subreddit.
-roast , Description: Sends a roast.
-urban , Description: Searches top definition from Urban Dictionary
-would-you-rather , Description: Sends a random would you rather question.

❯ Moderation

-ban <@member>, Description: Bans given member.
-kick <@member>, Description: Kicks given member.
-purge , Description: Removes past given ammount of messages.
-unban <@member-id>, Description: Unbans given user ID.
-warn <@member>, Description: Gives the given member a warning role, unless they already have it.

❯ Reactions

-hug <@member>, Description: Hugs given user.
-kiss <@member>, Description: Kisses given user.
-pat <@member>, Description: Pats given user.
-poke <@member>, Description: Pokes given user.
-slap <@member>, Description: Slaps given user.

❯ Utility

-magic-8-ball , Description: Returns a 'magic 8 ball' response.
-addme , Description: Gives link to ZNW Bot.
-coinflip , Description: Flips a coin.
-dice , Description: Rolls args sided die.
-embed title , message, Description: Makes an embed.
-help (command name), Description: Displays all commands and how to use them.
-pfp , Description: Grabs profile picture from given member.
-ping , Description: Checks ping time.
-poll , Description: Generates voting poll.
-prefix , Description: Changes bot prefix for your server.